Krissy fell down went boom

By Nat on October 20th, 2010

Krissy Blind Date was not the most fun this evening. Her elbow has been more in-the-socket, but it should be back in place and happy now as I write this.  We had to leave the E.R. before the doctors put her under and made her elbow go “thunk” (their words) back in place.

GET WELL SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!

7 responses to “Krissy fell down went boom”

  1. sandy says:

    ugh, you guys shouldve seen the elbow. Krissy, hang tough gal!

  2. John says:

    We’re thinking of you Krissy. Let us know if you need anything.

  3. Jill says:

    Krissy you are TOUGH AS NAILS!

  4. Dave says:

    kissy you’re a champ..hang in there ;)

  5. Nat says:

    I had dreams last night about double elbows (not as cool as double rainbows) and plaster casts and e.r.’s and burritos. Strange indeed. Krissy, let us know if you need anything, and I hope you’re feeling much better.

  6. sterry says:

    See this is why I don’t go on Blind Dates! But seriously get well soon.

  7. krissy says:

    hi. im doing much better! thanks all! found out i am allergic to my first round of pain meds. now that the meds are not making me sick im on the mend. i get my cast off nov. 1st. issac, you got a one armed cheering buddy now.

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