Thanks Fat Cobras!

By Diana on November 3rd, 2010

Great practice session tonight. According to them, we are supposed to “Attack the barriers” and yell “AAAARRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH” upon approach.


Back to the subject of Jeggings…

By Diana on October 26th, 2010

I love every inch of my recent purchase, from the very hip 1 1/2″ ankle opening all the way up to the convenient elastic waistband. So comfy, yet so stylish! My reserved Klamath Basin beer goes to the Submarine gentleman who buys and wears an authentic pair of jeggings (must have a back pocket).


How does a Cross racer drive? Fast.

By Diana on October 17th, 2010

I, being Krissy’s cross commute buddy, have discovered that each Sunday morning drive is a rare and priviledged insight into Krissy’s racing mentality. Notice the athletic stance, firm grip and sassy comment perched on the tip of her tongue. I often try to start our journey 5 to 10 minutes behind schedule, just to see if she can make up the time on the road, and she always does with skill and sophistication, pulling her trademark mad-face and yelling “On your right!” at every triumphant pass. This folks, is a born racer, in her natural environment: pure instinct.

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